Dorcas Consolation Family (DCF) is a non-profit organization serving the most vulnerable families in Rwanda with a specific focus on empowering women and girls in rural communities for sustainable development.

Dorcas is a portrait of a compassionate and charitable woman who seeks to demonstrate God's love by bringing HOPE and PURPOSE to disadvantaged families.
Led by the acts of love and compassion, committed to its vows of integrity and Loyalty, DCF believes that an equipped woman helps both her family and community to thrive.

DCF works in rural areas to directly experience community needs and work hand in hand with beneficiaries to create a maximized lasting positive change, enhance gender equality, and foster overall community resilience.

our Mission

To holistically equip vulnerable girls and women with the right skills and accurate information through community-led and women centered interventions for a sustainable development and positive change for families, communities, and society.

Our Vision

A society in which girls and women are empowered to make informed decisions that benefit their families, communities, and society as a whole towards a sustainable economic development and improved health outcomes.

Core values

  • Compassion
  • Integrity
  • Commitment
  • Accountability
  • Sustainability

  • Our Impact



    Recipients of primary health care services



    Reusable sanitary pads distributed



    Beneficiaries of education



    Families economically empowered



    Children registered in vital statistics



    Under-five years children growth- monitored



    Beneficiaries of community-based health insurance



    Adolescent mothers supported psychologically and in referrals



    Beneficiaries of Climate resilient smart agriculture technics.

    Our partners

    Current Partners
    PREVIOUS Partners