DCF ensures that women and children have access to quality education,
emphasizing the importance.
DCF has supported more than 1,279 children to access primary and secondary
education, to revise subjects in an after school project, and through provision of
school fees and school materials. A number of beneficiaries have graduated
from Colleges and important to the society in different services.
Currently, DCF focuses on supporting Early Childhood Development Centers
(ECD). DCF works to empower home-based ECDs and community-based ECDs so
that they provide suitable wholesome development skills to under five years
children and preschoolers. DCF has a model IBIBONDO ECD, a community ECD
that takes care of children below three years to six years healthy growth and
development. IBIBONDO ECD focuses on children from vulnerable families and plays an
important role in the child’s holistic development, covering not only early learning and
stimulation, but also other areas including Health, Nutrition, Hygiene and Sanitation,
Positive Discipline and school readiness.
To cope with the root causes of poverty, DCF put emphasis on adult literacy in
order to empower beneficiaries with literacy, numeracy skills, and life skills
literacy, enabling and confidently engaging them in different income generating
activities and community development