
By Rwamagana District, Gishari Sector

Pad a Girl-Keep Her in School


DCF believes that education shapes a better tomorrow. That's why we promote girls' school attendance through Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Education (SRHR), and distribution of Days for Girl Reusable Sanitary Pads. Held at six 12-year Basic Education schools in Rwamagana and Kayonza Districts, the events are a testament to our commitment to fostering positive change in the community.

SRHR sessions are designed to equip adolescent girls and boys with essential knowledge and skills to make informed choices about their health and well-being. These sessions covered various topics, including menstrual hygiene, reproductive health, and rights.

Following the general SRHR session, the girls were treated to a special "Care and Use" after which they received 1,923 Days for Girls Reusable Pads in 2023 and 450 just in January 2024 in two schools. This initiative not only promotes menstrual hygiene but also ensures that girls can attend school regularly without interruption, empowering them to pursue their education with confidence and dignity.

Meanwhile, the boys participated in a "Men Who Know" session which focused on promoting positive masculinity. Through open dialogue and interactive activities, the boys learned about the importance of respecting girls' rights, challenging harmful stereotypes, and becoming allies in the fight for gender equality.

By engaging boys in conversations about gender roles and responsibilities, we aim to cultivate a generation of young men who champion gender equity and support the empowerment of girls and women. By investing in SRHR, DCF is laying the foundation for a more equitable society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive.