
By Rwamagana District, Gishari Sector

Adolescent mothers discovering their purpose through custom design!


In a world where teenage motherhood can be isolating and challenging, Dorcas Consolation Family (DCF) is making a significant impact on the lives of adolescent mothers. Let's delve into the inspiring stories of these teen mothers and witness the positive impact of this life-changing initiative.At the heart of DCF lies the power of creativity. The organization recognizes that every adolescent mother possesses unique talents and perspectives. With this at heart DCF is providing support, training, and the opportunity to create custom-designed products, to adolescent mothers to transform their lives and embrace their full potential by channeling their creativity into custom-designed products.For many teen mothers, isolation is a harsh reality. Society can be judgmental, and finding a supportive community can be challenging. DCF has provided a safe space bringing together 22 adolescent mothers where they connect with each other in an understanding way that fosters acceptance and encouragement. This sisterhood has broken free the shackles of isolation that once bound these adolescent mothers.

The Transformational Impact

After I found out that I was pregnant, I felt really bad about myself. I thought I didn't belong anywhere and had nobody to talk to because I hadn't told my family that I was raped. My dad would yell at me every day and say hurtful words, which made me feel even worse. I was scared about my future as I lost hope in everything. But then, something good happened as DCF) reached out to me and gave me a chance to dream again. They helped me join a vocational training program (Kuza elevate) where I learned new skills.I started making beautiful custom designed products with a team of fellow teen mothers, and it made me happy. Not only does it help me earn money, but it also gives me the sense of belonging with people who understand me and love me.Working with my hands has given me a sense of purpose and changed how I saw the world. DCF's support gave me the strength to move past my difficult past and look forward to a better future.Now, I feel stronger and more determined. I know I'm not defined by what happened to me. I've become resilient and hopeful about life. The friends I've made in the training program have been a great support. We've turned tough times into success together.I've learned that my journey is about strength, not shame. The things we make symbolize the beauty that has grown inside me. My wounds are healing, and I'm proud of who I am becoming.There may still be challenges ahead, but I face them with courage and determination. Aline, 18years 

Through the transformative power of creativity and community, DCF is changing the lives of teen mothers. Provided with skills, support, and opportunities, adolescent mothers are no longer held back by their circumstances; they are embracing their potential and crafting a better future for themselves and their children.