Days for Girls

Access to Menstrual Health Solutions and Education
Dorcas Consolation Family (DCF) Days for Girls

At Dorcas Consolation Family, uplifting girls and women starts with improving access to menstrual health supplies and education. This is the cornerstone of our work. Over the past five years, DCF has reached more than 17,000 girls and women in rural areas of Rwanda, with sustainable reusable sanitary pads and holistic sexual reproductive health and rights education.

Dorcas Consolation Family (DCF) Days for Girls

To tackle this problem, Dorcas Consolation Family partners with Days for Girls and together we’re breaking down barriers and shattering limitations for girls and women, so that every girl and woman, everywhere has the chance to step into her power.
The goal is to improve educational and livelihood outcomes for women and girls by promoting the menstrual health. The improvement is done through innovating, educating, partnering, advocating in order to create ripples of change.

DCF and DfG use community-based approach such as Youth Corners and Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Clubs in Schools to deal with pressing challenges related to adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRHR) including  Early onset of sexual intercourse, Teenage pregnancy, Unsafe abortion, Having risky sex, and low levels of contraceptive use. The result of comprehensive reproductive health is to help rural girls and women to access menstrual health products, acquire skills and support they need to stay in school, pursue income-generating opportunities and experience improved upward mobility.

Dorcas Consolation Family (DCF) Days for Girls

Help us to reach more girls.